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A Warlander is a Warlander is a Warlander.....or not?


The breeds popularity is growing quickly and the numbers just aren't quite keeping up with the demand. As an owner, rider and breeder of these amazing horses, it's very easy for me to understand why they’re in high demand. They are a truly remarkable breed and make amazing equine partners. From dressage, working equitation, mounted archery, jousting or just as a solid pleasure mount, you won’t find a more versatile breed. The best part is they’re also typically the prettiest horse in the ring.

I recently read an article written in Equihub introducing this breed. It was beautifully written and educational. We also saw one of the approved Warlander stallions, Inequito do remarkably well at IALHA Nationals. We are still working to introduce the breed to many, but they are becoming more and more recognized by all. If you speak to someone who knows one, or better yet owns one, you'll feel the love they have for them in every word.

double dilute warlander, warlander horses, cremello warlander
Azura, F2 Cremello Lusitano/Friesian Warlander Mare of Soul Wind Horses

I have had multiple people contact me lately about Warlander horses that are being advertised on our current horse markets. I have also spoken to equestrians who are looking for more information on the breed. I am always happy to share the information I have about the horses, the registries and the requirements and breed standards. Often times the horses advertised are not true Warlanders. A Warlander is a cross between Friesian and Iberian horses only. They also are only allowed to have a maximum of 75% and minimum of 25% of either breed. If the horse goes back to a quarter horse or maybe an Arabian on one side, it is not a true Warlander. The Warlander Studbook Society is a closed studbook that requires parent verification prior to issuing registration. The WSS has recently updated its website and it is now full of great resources for owners and breeders and its mobile friendly. The online registration and genealogy can be found here, and we will assist in any way possible in helping you get papers for your horses.

The process is very simple, you submit a hair sample for your horse to a reputable genetics' lab, I always use UC Davis. The DNA from the horse is matched to its parents and we can also assist you with securing the parents DNA if the stallion or mare owner does not provide it. Once the results are back, we have a simple registration form that can be found here, you submit your paperwork and clear photos of your Warlander and you'll receive your registration via email. You will now also have the option to purchase hard copy of their papers.

Warlander stallion, Warlander Studbook Society, Bay Warlander, Friesian Andalusian
Enzo SW, 2023 F1 Warlander Colt

WSS also offers a Warlander Sporthorse option for registering horses who do have the required Friesian and Iberian percentages but may also have another breed in their lineage. You will also find many 'likely" Warlander horses without registration paperwork. This is unfortunate to me as a breeder and something I love helping out with. While I completely agree that you “cannot ride papers”, I don’t believe we as a consumer should encourage and support breeders who are not providing registration for the offspring they are producing. I also see the need and value of knowing parentage for these horses to have the tools and knowledge to continue to create the wonderful crosses without accidentally breeding genetic issues and breed known disease into them. I’ve encountered many reputable breeders with remarkable stock who simply didn’t know there was a studbook to put these horses in. I’ll continue to do my best to advocate and educate to work towards more registered and recognized and healthy horses.

I believe that there are many small operations or more boutique type breeders who are responsible and do breed these horses with the intent to better the breed and create fabulous horses, who go on to be wonderful, loved family members. They need to make sure to complete the registration and send the horses home with the proper documentation and genetic testing. This should not be the responsibility of the buyer. I have purchased horses without papers and the promise from the breeder that they qualify for papers and in every situation, it has been a headache and very difficult and expensive for me to finally register them. I will personally not do that again and I suggest buyers don't purchase until they have issued papers also. Registration ensures that the horse will have the best possible opportunity throughout its entire life. It helps to keep our breed out of auctions and meat markets, and it allows the owners to have the best possible chances to place the horse in capable and responsible homes should they need to resell.

Warlander Studbook Society Logo
Warlander Studbook Society

If you have any questions about registering your Warlander stock, please don't hesitate to reach out. We have a phenomenal network for this breed and the horses are our top priority.


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