Understanding Our Program and Breeds
The Warlander
True Warlanders only consist of Iberian and Friesian Heritage.
*"The Warlander is a horse of Baroque type, produced by crossing Friesian horses with horses of a purebred registered Iberian horse breed such as the Andalusian, Lusitano, or Menorquina.[2] The ideal Warlander combines the Iberian horse's intelligence, facility for collection, flexibility, and powerful hindquarters, with the Friesian's tractability, dramatic leg action, "bone," and strong forequarters"
A Warlander is also a trademarked name and horses not registered in the Warlander Studbook Society do not qualify to use the Warlander name.
Our program was born because of the Warlander. These horses are amazing and truly in the core and soul of our program.
We have first generation, second generation(f2) Warlanders and third generation (f3) Warlanders of varying percentages. The breed standards are strict and regulated and we strive to create consistent to the breed quality regardless of the generation and percentages.
*wikipedia definition
The Pura Raza Espanola
PRE Andalusian
The PRE horse has become a huge part of my life and my herd. These mares started my program as the Friesian sire, PRE dam tend to create my favorite Warlander foals. They are an intense and deep breed and interacting with them is an honor. When I discovered the true dun gene in the PRE breed I felt it was important to assist in preserving and growing those genetics in the PRE. I will have a small full PRE foal crop each year and will eventually stand my stallions to select outside mares. I will strive to breed offspring from these beautiful dun carriers that exceed the expectations and breed standards for the Pure Spanish Horse. Their color possibility will be a true "beautiful bonus" to the offspring we breed that inherit it.
The Portuguese Lusitano
In our Warlander mare herd we have three Lusitano/Friesian crosses. They are varying percentage of Lusitano and Friesian blood, but they are some of the most amazing mares I have ever met. Having theses mares introduced and drew me to full APSL Lusitanos. Our Lusitano program is small, and we're going to grow that part of the program from our homebred stock.

Deidre Nyburg
Executive Officer & NA/SA Registrations Manager
I am so proud to be a lifetime member and Officer for the Warlander Studbook Society, the true and only motherbook for our Warlander horses.
I would love to assist with any questions you have about registrations and qualifying your horses for Warlander papers.

Associations & Registries
Your foal will be registered at weaning.
We are members of The Warlander Studbook Society, IALHA and Friesian Heritage Horse Association and USPRE ANCCE. Our foals will be registered with one of the above associations and we are happy to help register them with all. These registries offer fantastic information on this breed and a great resource for learning more about your horses history.

United States PRE
Friesian Heritage Horse & Sporthorse International